Issue 22
Summer/Fall 2024

Niv's Yearbook Signing: Celebrating Four Years
I am honoured to be a contributor to Niv, sharing my perspective on Jewish life. Mazel Tov Clarrie and Orly on these remarkable four years, and here's to many more to come!

A House of Prayer for All Peoples? Confronting the Tipping Point of Diversity
While many communities, including the Jewish community, express a strong commitment to diversity, this enthusiasm can wane when faced with the need for significant changes to longstanding practices and norms.

Behind The Boy in the Woods: An Inside Look with Director Rebecca Snow
Holocaust survivors often say it’s down to a series of small miracles that they survive and I wanted to get that sense throughout Max’s story.

Symbolic Appetizers for the Rosh Hashanah Table
The foods we eat during Rosh Hashanah and throughout the High Holidays are full of symbolism and tradition.

The Road Less Travelled with Reuven Fenton
I didn’t want to dwell on the cause of the crisis too much, the whole lie of the thing. I wanted the book to focus on the aftermath rather than the crisis.

Chelm Is for the Kids: In Conversation with Audrey Barbakoff
if we silence then we lose those stories, and kids lose those opportunities to see themselves, empathize with others, and be part of the whole world.

Alive to the Possibilities: In Conversation with Jessica Jacobs
Poetry brought me back to Judaism. Judaism, in turn, has deepened and expanded my poetry.

Inside Botannica Tirannica: Behind Every Plant Is a Painful Past
I was presented with a “Wandering Jew” from this man and didn’t know the popular name of this plant at the time, and I was totally in shock. At the time, I didn’t know the prejudice that was embedded in these (botanical) names.

Top 10 Books of 2024 (So Far)
As the summer heat winds down and you take those last vacations, you might be in need of a travel companion. Here are 10 of the year’s best books so far, in no particular order, for your summer reading pleasure.

Visit Kutsher’s with The Borscht Belt Tattler
Entertainment at night grew exponentially over the years. You can dig into any period and it looks a little different, but it all evolved as we grew a little larger and more sophisticated.

The Signs Get Creamy, Ice Creamy
Swirl around in these starry psychological assessments that match flavour with those signs that live as stars in our night sky.

I must clamber through the withered branches of the apple tree.

Repose explores ties of family, vulnerability, and healing.