An excerpt from Rachel Epstein and Sadie Epstein-Fine's workshop Queering Jewish/Queering Family that took place on May 16, 2021 as part of Miles Nadal JCC's Tikkun Leil Shavuot Virtual Jewish Learning Festival. The mother daughter duo explore their collective and individual relationship to Jewishness and queerness.

Collage art is part of how I make sense of my inner world. I created this collage as a way to explore and integrate my queer identity, which I came into in my 30s. Using pictures of myself at different ages, I collaged in a circle to represent wholeness. When I look at this image, I feel so much tenderness and compassion for my sweet child selves who weren’t able to fully be who they were. This image is my way of honouring the fullness of my identity and the journey of becoming even more ME.
The brown craft piece at the top centre of the circle reads “In the beginning moves to the end and the end goes on to begin again.” While the brown craft piece of paper bottom centre of the circle reads “The one at the end is the one who begins and the breath of breaths is within all things.”

An excerpt from Rachel Epstein and Sadie Epstein-Fine's workshop Queering Jewish/Queering Family that took place on May 16, 2021 as part of Miles Nadal JCC's Tikkun Leil Shavuot Virtual Jewish Learning Festival. The mother daughter duo explore their collective and individual relationship to Jewishness and queerness.

Collage art is part of how I make sense of my inner world. I created this collage as a way to explore and integrate my queer identity, which I came into in my 30s. Using pictures of myself at different ages, I collaged in a circle to represent wholeness. When I look at this image, I feel so much tenderness and compassion for my sweet child selves who weren’t able to fully be who they were. This image is my way of honouring the fullness of my identity and the journey of becoming even more ME.
The brown craft piece at the top centre of the circle reads “In the beginning moves to the end and the end goes on to begin again.” While the brown craft piece of paper bottom centre of the circle reads “The one at the end is the one who begins and the breath of breaths is within all things.”