Portraits of Love is a series about, well, LOVE! We sent out a call giving people the opportunity to express who or what they love. Love takes its form in many ways, and we hope you enjoy these glimpses into the loves of our contributors lives!

For the love of bread!
I’ve always loved baking, bread and particularly bagels but throughout the pandemic this has reached new heights. Baking has not only provided me comforting and delicious food, but it’s also given me routine, a reason to get up early before I start work and has allowed me to spend many Sundays doing doorstep drop-offs of lovingly prepared and wrapped food parcels to friends and family that live close to me.
—Jessica Lishak

Lovely Days with Ozzy
He has been such a companion for me, spending so much time together. No doubt he has kept me grounded, and active and I’m in much better spirits than I would have been without him.
—Dara Klug

Family time is the best time!
The lockdown has reminded me that nothing is as powerful as the unconditional love of family.
—Ella Gladstone Martin

Support is Happiness
From my perspective the lockdown has been pretty good, it would be lonely and isolating but because of Sarah and Matilda I’ve felt really supported and happy.
—Will Greenblatt

For the love of the job!
I am a group fitness coordinator at Womens Fitness Clubs, a therapeutic behavioural coach (mostly with teens) and an artist (painter and muralist). For the last 25 years I have taught group fitness classes. I had never had any experience with online classes. After a few weeks into Covid lockdowns, I knew that I was suffering physically and mentally from my missed classes. I am lucky enough to have deep and meaningful connections with my participants – my relationship to exercise is tied to helping others
It’s such a hard time right now and focusing on the activity and the connection has been a lifesaver. This relationship has been one of the most important aspects (if not THE most important!) of my mental and physical health
—Tracey Kornblum

Shawn loves Maria and Tikal
These two wonderful ladies have kept me grounded and at peace with their unconditional love and support during this crazy time we all find ourselves in. It’s impossible to express how much
love I have for both of these amazing souls. I am so grateful. And of course, nothing is better then a good face licking (you can guess which one I get that from).
—Shawn Goldberg

For the love of baking!
I love baking, challah, Jewish holidays, family and friends, and sprinkles! And that is all included in this photo! I baked remotely with friends using our The Challah Box kits. Then I braided and topped the challahs with my kids. Something the whole family can enjoying doing and eating. And now we are ready for Shabbat.
—Rachel Teichman

What does love look like to me? For me, it’s a colour. It informs everything I do and everything I create. Love is the central theme of all my work. The source of my iconography. It speaks to my heart. It is that which I try to convey through form, wash, meaning and colour. I could go on and on. . .
—Frederika Shulman

How my Ima loves. . .
How does one show love? For my mother, cooking and baking signified her love for her family as she would make every child’s favourite dish (wasn’t easy when raising 5 kids). Every Friday, since I was a little girl, I would always come home and the Shabbat aromas would fill the kitchen. Until today, I know when I get home, I will be spoiled with a warm and delicious home-cooked meal. The one dish that reminds me of my mother is her Moroccan fish. She makes it every Friday. This is a staple in our house and is everyone’s favourite. We know that if the fish is made, Shabbat will be perfect. Love can be shown in so many ways—a physical touch, an act of service or simply an aroma that signifies all the warmth and love in the world.
—Shani Hazan

Expecting and in Love
Throughout life, love evolves. In different forms, from simple things to more intense feelings of love. I remember as a child, love was so simple. With no strings attached, a parents love felt more than enough. I got older love became a little more complicated, as a quest to search for “the one”, through teenage love affairs, flings, and heartbreaks. As I experienced love in many forms, my definition of love changed, or so I thought. Five years ago that same simple love returned in my life, in the way I love my best friend, who is also my partner. Although our love may not be conventional to some, it is a simple type of comfort, a true love in all forms. And now our love is expanding in a profound way.
Portraits of Love is a series about, well, LOVE! We sent out a call giving people the opportunity to express who or what they love. Love takes its form in many ways, and we hope you enjoy these glimpses into the loves of our contributors lives!

For the love of bread!
I’ve always loved baking, bread and particularly bagels but throughout the pandemic this has reached new heights. Baking has not only provided me comforting and delicious food, but it’s also given me routine, a reason to get up early before I start work and has allowed me to spend many Sundays doing doorstep drop-offs of lovingly prepared and wrapped food parcels to friends and family that live close to me.
—Jessica Lishak

Lovely Days with Ozzy
He has been such a companion for me, spending so much time together. No doubt he has kept me grounded, and active and I’m in much better spirits than I would have been without him.
—Dara Klug

Family time is the best time!
The lockdown has reminded me that nothing is as powerful as the unconditional love of family.
—Ella Gladstone Martin

Support is Happiness
From my perspective the lockdown has been pretty good, it would be lonely and isolating but because of Sarah and Matilda I’ve felt really supported and happy.
—Will Greenblatt

For the love of the job!
I am a group fitness coordinator at Womens Fitness Clubs, a therapeutic behavioural coach (mostly with teens) and an artist (painter and muralist). For the last 25 years I have taught group fitness classes. I had never had any experience with online classes. After a few weeks into Covid lockdowns, I knew that I was suffering physically and mentally from my missed classes. I am lucky enough to have deep and meaningful connections with my participants – my relationship to exercise is tied to helping others
It’s such a hard time right now and focusing on the activity and the connection has been a lifesaver. This relationship has been one of the most important aspects (if not THE most important!) of my mental and physical health
—Tracey Kornblum

Shawn loves Maria and Tikal
These two wonderful ladies have kept me grounded and at peace with their unconditional love and support during this crazy time we all find ourselves in. It’s impossible to express how much
love I have for both of these amazing souls. I am so grateful. And of course, nothing is better then a good face licking (you can guess which one I get that from).
—Shawn Goldberg

For the love of baking!
I love baking, challah, Jewish holidays, family and friends, and sprinkles! And that is all included in this photo! I baked remotely with friends using our The Challah Box kits. Then I braided and topped the challahs with my kids. Something the whole family can enjoying doing and eating. And now we are ready for Shabbat.
—Rachel Teichman

What does love look like to me? For me, it’s a colour. It informs everything I do and everything I create. Love is the central theme of all my work. The source of my iconography. It speaks to my heart. It is that which I try to convey through form, wash, meaning and colour. I could go on and on. . .
—Frederika Shulman

How my Ima loves. . .
How does one show love? For my mother, cooking and baking signified her love for her family as she would make every child’s favourite dish (wasn’t easy when raising 5 kids). Every Friday, since I was a little girl, I would always come home and the Shabbat aromas would fill the kitchen. Until today, I know when I get home, I will be spoiled with a warm and delicious home-cooked meal. The one dish that reminds me of my mother is her Moroccan fish. She makes it every Friday. This is a staple in our house and is everyone’s favourite. We know that if the fish is made, Shabbat will be perfect. Love can be shown in so many ways—a physical touch, an act of service or simply an aroma that signifies all the warmth and love in the world.
—Shani Hazan

Expecting and in Love
Throughout life, love evolves. In different forms, from simple things to more intense feelings of love. I remember as a child, love was so simple. With no strings attached, a parents love felt more than enough. I got older love became a little more complicated, as a quest to search for “the one”, through teenage love affairs, flings, and heartbreaks. As I experienced love in many forms, my definition of love changed, or so I thought. Five years ago that same simple love returned in my life, in the way I love my best friend, who is also my partner. Although our love may not be conventional to some, it is a simple type of comfort, a true love in all forms. And now our love is expanding in a profound way.