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Visual Art

Leah Laker

Leah Laker
Issue 10
September 11, 2021
Header image art by Leah Laker.
Issue 10
Leah Laker

Life is beautiful and full of surprises, especially when we celebrate life by the Jewish calendar. I look at the world with awe and wonder. I notice how colours change in the light, how shapes and patterns interplay and how much variety there is in the people, places, and objects to be discovered in our community.To enjoy being in nature, contemplating the beauty and sense of freedom of the vast landscapes of Canada deeply influence my current paintings of Israel landscapes. Having made aliyah from Toronto in 2007, I especially enjoy sharing my deepened connection with Israel and my Jewish heritage with family and friends back home.

“Eitz Rimonim-Pomegranates”/Leah Laker
“Palm Tree on Titora Hill”/Leah Laker
“Harvest Time in the Galil”/Leah Laker
“Olive Trees in Sacher Park—Jerusalem”/Leah Laker
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Life is beautiful and full of surprises, especially when we celebrate life by the Jewish calendar. I look at the world with awe and wonder. I notice how colours change in the light, how shapes and patterns interplay and how much variety there is in the people, places, and objects to be discovered in our community.To enjoy being in nature, contemplating the beauty and sense of freedom of the vast landscapes of Canada deeply influence my current paintings of Israel landscapes. Having made aliyah from Toronto in 2007, I especially enjoy sharing my deepened connection with Israel and my Jewish heritage with family and friends back home.

“Eitz Rimonim-Pomegranates”/Leah Laker
“Palm Tree on Titora Hill”/Leah Laker
“Harvest Time in the Galil”/Leah Laker
“Olive Trees in Sacher Park—Jerusalem”/Leah Laker
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